
Business Leaders Can Help Save the Nation

    All kinds of events can occur in a nation that upset a large majority of its citizens. A recent poll shows that 67% of the public wants stimulus funding for the U.S. Postal System, only 15% oppose added funding. Yet Donald Trump wants to reduce funding to the U.S. postal system. He admits […]


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Our First Webinar is Two Days Away! Sign-Up Today.

  Our first fall webinar will be from 2-3:30p eastern time U.S. this Thursday September 3, 2020. The title is “The Future of K-12 Education in a Time of Great Reset”  featuring   Becky Van de Bogert, Sarasota Institute Advisory Board Member, Author, Consultant, former School Superintendent Randy Ziegenfuss, Ed.D, Superintendent Salisbury Township School District […]


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Our First Webinar of the Fall is Next Week!

On Thursday September 3 from 2-3:30 we will take a look into the future of K-12 education.  The name of the webinar is “The Future of K-12 Education in an Era of Great Reset”.   We have a distinguished panel of thought leaders who have spent all their professional careers in leadership positions in the […]


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What Does 21st Century Education Look Like?

  [Note: all columns published here concern the future of the 10 big issues The Sarasota Institute have as our focus. We publish a variety of columns that explore the big questions within those 10 areas to provoke thought, response and action toward our collective futures. The Institute creates the space for 21st Century thought […]


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Become a Member Now!

We have updated our programming to on-line and virtual.  We have cut membership prices by 50%.  Since our new web site went live  last week we have been signing up new members from around the world.    Join them!  Please look at the new membership guidelines and become a member.  Sign up for 3 or 5 […]


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Thank You for Your Patience!

  Due to COVID-19, and a resulting need to reinvent the Institute, we suspended our weekly columns for a few months.   In January we produced our first symposium. Titled “An Educated Person in 2035” it was a major success in that more than 225 people attended at the beautiful Neel Performing Arts Center on […]


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Membership Changes to The Sarasota Institute – A 21st Century Think Tank

This is to update you on the big changes that The Sarasota Institute – A 21st Century Think Tank have made since March. We think we have taken a potential risk to the existence of the Institute and converted it into a truly positive new direction.   The fundamental structure of the Institute had been […]


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The Four Overarching Dynamics of the 2020s

There are a number of trends and forces that will manifest in the 2020s. These are all important and will be subjects of subsequent columns. Many of these trends  reside within these four overarching dynamics of the decade:   The Age of Climate Change The Age of Intelligence The Reinvention of Capitalism and Democracy A […]


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The Phases of COVID-19 and the New Normal It Can Bring

Starting in 2019, the world moved from the Pre-Covid-19 period into the Covid-19 period.  Everywhere clusters of people were becoming infected with Covid-19 and many deaths were occurring. Countries did their best to control the pandemic by urging their people to wear a mask, wash their hands frequently, avoid touching their faces and  keeping at […]


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A Depression / A Beginning

The near-term future is catastrophic and depressing. The longer term is potentially transformative and uplifting… if we fully understand the possibilities and needs of this decade. As a futurist, I pride myself on the accuracy of my forecasts. When they have not been pinpoint accurate, they are usually directionally correct. That is my intention here, […]


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