
GDP Needs to be Rethought or Scrapped: Here’s Why

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) needs to be either re-thought, or scrapped as a measure of economy. Why? For several reasons, including: It measures output, not economy, and with grave unintended consequences It measures output domestically, and this is no longer a useful measure   GDP Measures Output, Not Economy   The whole point of both […]


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The Case for Social Democracy

  This is a time when we need fresh thinking on how to organize our society to a better job of serving our people.  There are too many citizens who have lost faith in our government, in big business, and our other institutions. They have seen President Trump call our media “dishonest,” our justice system […]


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Trump is the First Warhol U.S. President

This is a pretty catchy title isn’t it.  Thank you for reading.  You may think this column is about Trump, but it isn’t, it is actually about Andy Warhol.  Trump fits within the Warhol paradigm, not the other way around   As a professional futurist I am frequently asked questions such as: “Who are the […]


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21st Century Finance: Users of Capital

(Part III of a series on the future of banking and finance) By now I hope to have convinced you in Part I and Part II of this series on 21st Century Finance, that things are never going to be the same. My thesis is that new technologies (discussed extensively in Part I) have the […]


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Putting a Price on Carbon

By guest columnist Mike Shatzkin   About eighteen months ago, I shifted my life around so that I could spend less time on my lifetime activities in the publishing business and dedicate more time to addressing climate change. I started out concerned about global warming; that was the catalyst. I quickly learned that the CO2 […]


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21st Century Finance: Providers of Capital

(Part II of a series on the future of banking and finance)   This column follows my overview comparing 21st Century Finance vs. 20th Century  Finance. Hopefully I convinced you that banking and finance are likely never to see the same profit margins as in previous decades and that many of the business lines are […]


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It is Time to Talk Worst Case Scenario About Climate Change

The negative effects of fossil fuels have been speculated upon and known for a long time. The larger scale concerns, awareness, and now actions have largely occurred in the last 25 years.  Many people actually think that it was Al Gore who first alerted humanity to the issue of Climate Change.  Here is a partial […]


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21st Century Finance vs. 20th Century Finance

(Part I of a series on the future of banking and finance) Finance’s 20th century business lines – their go-to money makers – are all in jeopardy of being destroyed. Primarily this is due to finance’s blatant disregard for its customers’ actual needs. This is the result of the industry’s traditional 40%+ profit margins that […]


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Healthcare for the American Democracy

“Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth”  -Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address   “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit […]


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Capitalism: It’s as Much About Cooperation as Competition

We have myopically come to believe that “survival of the fittest” is synonymous with competition and is the highest expression of our nature. Yet survival of the fittest also includes those creatures, including humans, who successfully and continuously cooperate to survive. Case in point: Lions adorn the flags of many nations as symbols of individual […]


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