Marketing & Media

Big Idea Podcasts

The Sarasota Institute – A 21st Century Think Tank continues to release podcasts that deal with big picture and big concept topics.   Are you interested in Media?  How about hearing what the foremost media ecologist today thinks about the future of media?  Media and advertising visionary Jack Myers sat with us to suggest that […]


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The Rise of Anti-Consumerism

The American culture is very comfortable using the words “consumers” and “consumerism.”  If I called my friend a consumer and producer, he would not object.  In his company, he is a producer.  He would say that by producing, he is able to consume.  The more successful he is in producing, the more he would be […]


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Whitepaper #1, The Big Issues

We are pleased to announce the publication of The Sarasota Institute’s Whitepaper #1, The Big Issues. It covers all 10 of the topics we believe are crucial for understanding and shaping the century. Here are some questions that we discuss within: When was the last time you heard anything radical about how to reform democracy? Do […]


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Brand Activism, the Next Stage of Branding

Philip Kotler and Christian Sarkar first published a version of this column in The Marketing Journal The Marketing Journal.   Historically, most brands have been marketed on their performance characteristics. “Our toothpaste is better than yours.” We’re better at “whitening teeth,” “preventing cavities,” or giving you “fresh breath.” Positioning is the name of the game […]


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