Founding Visionaries

Founding Visionaries are founding donors who see the value of a 21st Century Think Tank and want to support the future-focused nature of the Institute. During the first three-waves of Covid-19, we realized that becoming a non-profit corporation would be essential for the organization’s long-term survival. We are committed to connecting people who feel that facing the future intelligently and collectively is critically important to humanity, the United States and the Gulf Coast of Florida.


We run a very low-cost operation with minimal overhead and expenses.  Nevertheless, we are seeking donations for our present and future existence. We are looking for individuals, couples, entities and corporations who are interested in providing financial support for The Sarasota Institute.


Recent experience is that TSI members are the ones who are most likely to make donations.  Recently, single members have given donations in $5,000 increments up to $15,000.  We hope YOU will become a Sarasota Institute Visionary Donor today!  No donation is too large or too small.


We are able to provide flexible timing for anyone who wants to aggregate your charitable giving into a specific year.


David Houle, TSI’s Managing Director, is happy to meet with anyone who would like to support our mission and discuss how we can work together.  That is a key issue, the ability of humans to move from Us/Them versus the We.


Contact David Houle at 773.991.5199 /