Climate Change

The Rise of Anti-Consumerism

The American culture is very comfortable using the words “consumers” and “consumerism.”  If I called my friend a consumer and producer, he would not object.  In his company, he is a producer.  He would say that by producing, he is able to consume.  The more successful he is in producing, the more he would be […]


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The Three Economies

[ NOTE:  This is a chapter excerpt from David Houle’s latest book, the first of an eBook trilogy entitled “Moving to a Finite Earth Economy – Crew Manual”.  The subtitle of the first eBook is the name of this chapter, The Three Economies.  All three books are to be priced at $2.99.  Book 1 is […]


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Whitepaper #1, The Big Issues

We are pleased to announce the publication of The Sarasota Institute’s Whitepaper #1, The Big Issues. It covers all 10 of the topics we believe are crucial for understanding and shaping the century. Here are some questions that we discuss within: When was the last time you heard anything radical about how to reform democracy? Do […]


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Putting a Price on Carbon

By guest columnist Mike Shatzkin   About eighteen months ago, I shifted my life around so that I could spend less time on my lifetime activities in the publishing business and dedicate more time to addressing climate change. I started out concerned about global warming; that was the catalyst. I quickly learned that the CO2 […]


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