The Sarasota Institute, a 21st Century Think Tank, has announced four symposiums for Spring 2020. In addition, in response to numerous requests, we are offering memberships that will provide deep discounts on all events for 2020, guaranteed, priority seating and exclusive access to the recordings and whitepapers. The Four Announced Symposiums: “An Educated Person […]
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The American culture is very comfortable using the words “consumers” and “consumerism.” If I called my friend a consumer and producer, he would not object. In his company, he is a producer. He would say that by producing, he is able to consume. The more successful he is in producing, the more he would be […]
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[ NOTE: This is a chapter excerpt from David Houle’s latest book, the first of an eBook trilogy entitled “Moving to a Finite Earth Economy – Crew Manual”. The subtitle of the first eBook is the name of this chapter, The Three Economies. All three books are to be priced at $2.99. Book 1 is […]
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We are pleased to announce the publication of The Sarasota Institute’s Whitepaper #1, The Big Issues. It covers all 10 of the topics we believe are crucial for understanding and shaping the century. Here are some questions that we discuss within: When was the last time you heard anything radical about how to reform democracy? Do […]
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The developed countries of the world are in transition from economies based upon ownership to ones increasingly based upon rental or access. As much as any other trend, this will transform economics, consumption and how we live. The concept of ownership is deeply embedded in economic thought, policy and practice and has been for centuries. […]
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Gross Domestic Product (GDP) needs to be either re-thought, or scrapped as a measure of economy. Why? For several reasons, including: It measures output, not economy, and with grave unintended consequences It measures output domestically, and this is no longer a useful measure GDP Measures Output, Not Economy The whole point of both […]
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By guest columnist Mike Shatzkin About eighteen months ago, I shifted my life around so that I could spend less time on my lifetime activities in the publishing business and dedicate more time to addressing climate change. I started out concerned about global warming; that was the catalyst. I quickly learned that the CO2 […]
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The negative effects of fossil fuels have been speculated upon and known for a long time. The larger scale concerns, awareness, and now actions have largely occurred in the last 25 years. Many people actually think that it was Al Gore who first alerted humanity to the issue of Climate Change. Here is a partial […]
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There will be more change in the next 20 years than any 20-50 year period in history. In fact, future historians may well look back on this time as a historical transit as significant as the beginning of the Industrial Revolution or the Renaissance. It is hard to imagine any area of life that […]
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The title of this column comes from a column my good friend, co-author of “This Spaceship Earth” and co-founder of ThisSpaceshipEarth.Org Tim Rumage. His column was “Physics is Not Political”. Well worth the quick read. That column came to mind two weeks ago when a very special event occurred. The Wise Elders of the […]
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