Our democracy is not working. It is plagued with extreme partisanship that often verges on the precipice of shutting our nation down. Public opinion of Congress, the President as well as the Supreme Court are at historic lows. The institutions that are essential to protecting our democracy (e.g. the FBI, the media, the intelligence community, […]
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Gross Domestic Product (GDP) needs to be either re-thought, or scrapped as a measure of economy. Why? For several reasons, including: It measures output, not economy, and with grave unintended consequences It measures output domestically, and this is no longer a useful measure GDP Measures Output, Not Economy The whole point of both […]
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This is a time when we need fresh thinking on how to organize our society to a better job of serving our people. There are too many citizens who have lost faith in our government, in big business, and our other institutions. They have seen President Trump call our media “dishonest,” our justice system […]
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This is a pretty catchy title isn’t it. Thank you for reading. You may think this column is about Trump, but it isn’t, it is actually about Andy Warhol. Trump fits within the Warhol paradigm, not the other way around As a professional futurist I am frequently asked questions such as: “Who are the […]
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We have myopically come to believe that “survival of the fittest” is synonymous with competition and is the highest expression of our nature. Yet survival of the fittest also includes those creatures, including humans, who successfully and continuously cooperate to survive. Case in point: Lions adorn the flags of many nations as symbols of individual […]
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I normally don’t blog about politics except as it affects investing. I consider myself a lukewarm follower of the political scene – having given up on politics as the real source of power in the United States. One person = one vote, but one dollar = one vote; so businesses are the real source of […]
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We have had “Obamacare” and now the Republicans have fallen short in replacing it with “Ryancare” (a.k.a. “Trumpcare”). Both plans have their unforgiving and deep critics and enemies. I think that it is time to adopt the healthcare system that Canada and most other nations have: a single-payer healthcare system. A […]
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