Climate Change

David Houle

David Houle is one of the Co-Founders and Managing Director of the Institute. David Houle is a futurist, thinker and speaker. Houle spent more than 20 years in media and entertainment. He has worked at NBC, CBS and was part of the senior executive team that created and launched MTV, Nickelodeon, VH1 and CNN Headline News.


A Leap Year Look at Climate Change



This coming Saturday February 29, 2020 The Sarasota Institute – A 21st Century Think Tank will be presenting our next symposium. “ A Leap Year Look at Climate Change”. It will be nothing less than a completely new climate crisis conference.


In the morning we will present the developing catastrophe globally, have a panel on the local aspect of it, then a brand-new presentation about sea level rise globally, in Florida, and for the Gulf Coast. That will be followed by a local panel on sea level rise for Sarasota-Bradenton. So, the morning is about the developing truth.


The afternoon is when we provide ideas on the needed big solutions to face climate change, as only very big solutions will work at this stage.


We have left the time of denial and entered the time of disconnection, a very dangerous place most of us seem to be in.


For members, this is a reminder to attend the symposium this Saturday 9-3:30. As always, members will have priority, reserved seating in the first few rows of the Neel Performing Arts Center and a boxed lunch you have paid for. Here is all the information you will need to attend:


To all of you that do not live in the Gulf Coast of Florida, please remember to dial-in to our live streaming globally. You can do this by coming here

Please do live stream for some part of the symposium 9a-3:30p eastern time US.

IF you cannot stream any part of it, you will be able to use the same url to view the edited stream from 3/2-6.


Members – we hope to see you on Saturday at the Neel Performing Arts Center on the beautiful State College of Florida campus

Non-members – please live stream part of the day as you can.


We promise that any level of involvement in this symposium will change your thinking about the climate catastrophe