
David Houle

David Houle is one of the Co-Founders and Managing Director of the Institute. David Houle is a futurist, thinker and speaker. Houle spent more than 20 years in media and entertainment. He has worked at NBC, CBS and was part of the senior executive team that created and launched MTV, Nickelodeon, VH1 and CNN Headline News.


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We have updated our programming to on-line and virtual.  We have cut membership prices by 50%.  Since our new web site went live  last week we have been signing up new members from around the world.    Join them!  Please look at the new membership guidelines and become a member.  Sign up for 3 or 5 memberships at once and get a deep discount.


We are starting to program our fall webinars.  We expect to be covering Education, Climate Change, Technology and Capitalism and Economics.


Our first webinar on Thursday September 3 is about the need for total transformation of K-12 education.  Entitled ” The Future of K-12 Education in an Era of  Great Reset”  We will have three national and global leaders address why we need this transformation and what it might look like.  Details on the panelists and description of the program in our next email.  Globally the COVID-19 virus has shown how vulnerable K-12 schools are and how the virtual alternatives are no longer acceptable nor good enough


.  This outside force is the black swan event that is and will trigger massive changes at all levels of global education.  The headlines in the U.S. for the rest of August and through September will be about how schools – and colleges- will fail in the effort to “open up” without dire health consequences.


We at the Institute feel that education is failing around the world.  This decade of the 2020s must be the time to stop this collective failure and to change education into the foundation of the new realities for all countries.


So, please sign up for a membership. The membership price is $125 for 12 months.  During those 12 months there will be 10 webinars and 2 virtual symposiums.  All these programs will be available live or archived, access only for Sarasota Institute members.  We have priced this at a low level to encourage all of you to become members.  Do it now!


Thank you!

David Houle

Co-Founder / Managing Director