The Future of Marketing and Media – 3/27/2022

Sunday, March 27th 2p-4pm EST


What does the future of marketing look like?  When the climate crisis points to less consumerism and wealth inequality grows, what role will marketing play in our collective future?


Streaming is just the latest massive change in media.  What does the future of media look like and how much change will there be from the reality of today?  What role with technology play?

Dr. Philip Kotler

“The Future of Marketing”


Dr. Kotler is the single most important thinker, professor, and advisor in the history of marketing. He is regarded globally as “the father of modern marketing” with more than 80 books published and thousands of presentations given.  In this presentation Kotler looks at how marketing must and will change in the years ahead.  Marketers around the world listen to him.  You can as well.


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Jack Myers

“The Future of Media”


Myers is widely considered to be the futurist of all things media as his prognostications about it have proven to be true for the last several decades.  In the U.S., the advertising and media communities look to Jack to see where media is going and how they must adapt to it.  A unique perspective from a media visionary.


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